Divine Chalice Botanicals

Professional Skincare Products, Services & Holistic Aromatherapy

Professional Holistic Aromatherapy Consultation: $180.

With over 30 years experience as a Nationally Certified Aromatherapist, Lorraine Frongillo is committed to offering high-quality Professional Skincare Services, Products, Personal Aromatherapy Consultations* & Custom Blends, combining her education, knowledge and expertise in the chemistry & use of safe administration of Essential Oil use and application.  We are our ‘own brand’ & take pride in providing our customers with authentic Essential Oils; never adulterated, rectified or bulked. Our products are distinctly different from those you would find at a health food store or through multi-level marketing. We extensively research and select the finest worldwide producers, known for their expert cultivation & distillery, to capture the finest notes & aromatic molecules. Purity tests, also known as GC/MS reports, are performed on all of the oils we offer, via third party.

What are the infinite possibilities of utilizing the Planet’s natural, organic resources for contributing to restoring phenomenal, radiant health; physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually?

Holistic Aromatherapy is a non-invasive modality designed to effect the whole person, not just targeting a symptom, and assists in the body’s natural ability to return to homeostasis, which is normal function, by addressing the causes of imbalances, in lieu of the symptoms, using 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade, High Quality Essential Oils, manufactured and grown with integrity and without adulteration or harmful additives. Essential Oils are highly concentrated, volatile oils extracted & distilled from plants, leaves, flowers, shrubs, trees, roots, twigs, bark, seeds, & fruits.

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They are used for their pharmacological action, similar to allopathic medicine, and for their psychotherapeutic action; they are typically administered via topical application, massage, compresses, inhalation using a diffuser, vaporizer, or simply by applying a few drops of Essential Oils to a handkerchief or tissue and slowly inhaling, added to baths, etc. Holistic Aromatherapy can have a profound effect on the very core of our being, activating the healing process and initiating positive changes physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, as well as on energetic and cellular levels, thus restoring health, beauty & well-being. In addition, because of the high frequencies and vibratory rates contained in Essential Oils, Aromatherapy could be considered and classified as a form of Botanical Medicine, Energy Medicine and/or Vibrational Therapy, as each oil has its own “energetic signature”, and contains their own Frequency/Rate/Hertz. There are an infinite number of pathways to experience transformation and balance through the use of Holistic Aromatherapy by addressing the causes of imbalances, in lieu of the symptoms. As a Nationally Certified, ARC Registered Aromatherapist™, each personal consultation involves a complete medical history and a commitment of providing the highest quality Aromatherapy Services, safe administration and preparation of synergistic, customized formulations of 100% Pure, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, Lotions, Crèmes, Salves, etc., to facilitate your highest holistic potential; integrating body, mind & spirit. A partial list of the many possible uses and helpful indications include: emotional wellbeing; reduction of stress; alleviate physical and emotional pain; improves self esteem; uplifts your spirits; hormonal imbalance, useful for easing panic, anxiety, fear & doubt–promoting self assurance strength and courage; lifts feelings of depression; eases addiction withdrawal; deeper states of meditation; sustaining higher levels of consciousness; quiets the mental mind; encourages feelings of peace, harmony & relaxation; enhances heightened awareness of Self; encourages feelings of ‘letting go’ and surrendering all outdated thoughtforms, patterns and imprints–allowing the ‘space’ for new beginnings; increases energy meridian flow, improves sleep and waking patterns; promotes rejuvenation & regeneration of skin cells; reduces inflammation; helpful in treating a multitude of skin conditions, burns, acne & scars; alleviates physical pain & discomfort of contracted or injured muscles; more alert & focused; improves productivity & creativity; improves memory and memory recall & many other possible indications.

** *Consultation Rate: $180./hr. (Does not include Custom Blends, Creams, Lotions, Salves, etc.) *Consultation Appointments available in-person, via ZOOM or over the phone 239-282-HEAL (4325) Listen to Lorraine’s “True Aromatherapy” Interview on Voice America’s Good Vibrations with Host Lynn Waldrop: True Aromatherapy

Japanese Facial

Japanese facial – developed to improve one’s health and longevity, emphasizing the prevention of problems rather than curing existing ones. The aim of Japanese facial massage is unique – in that it is primarily concerned with the condition of the skin, subcutaneous musculature, what is referred to as ki, or the life-force energy, and to balance psychological conditions. Specific and precise massage, while applying gentle pressure to facial meridians and tsubo (acupoints/acupuncture points) achieves balance in the facial skin, facial muscles and the related body. Balancing the ki flow brings the body and emotions into balance simultaneously.

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Japanese facial massage is extremely effective in the treatment of dry and oily skin, acne, wrinkles, age spots, and poor facial tone, as well as migraines, headaches and TMJ disorders. Using a three-stage treatment consisting of cleansing, moisturizing, and energizing, Japanese facial massage stimulates the meridians and tsubo – balancing and harmonizing the condition of internal organs. Important meridians originate and terminate in the face and several points at which ki passes from one meridian to the another. Applying gentle pressure to the tsubo points, massaging the face and very gently stroking the meridians can improve ki flow. This is referred to as the “energizing stage”, thus activating facial nerves and increasing the ki flow to the face bringing about a natural face-lift effect and radiant beauty, also referred to as a ‘non-surgical face lift’. {Lorraine Frongillo was Certified in 2002 ~ Instructed by Shogo Mochizuki, one of the most knowledgeable and experienced practitioners of Japanese Massage and Bodywork in North America}.

Rates: $250./hr. Purchase 4 & SAVE $200.  Please call 239-282-HEAL (4325) to schedule an appointment. (MA 18747)

Interested in “Energetic Facelift”?  An ‘Anti-Aging’ Treatment/Modality ~ not only beneficial for the face, but contributes to the the entire body?  Visit: our sister site:  LorraineFrongillo.com to learn more….

Face Cremes & Serums

* Shimmering Grace™ – Facial Serum
* Botanical Oasis™ – Luxurious Natural Facial Crème
Read about Face Cremes & Serums

Face Cleansers & Acne Cleansers

* Vanishing Blemish™ – Acne Cleanser
* Angelic Elegance™ – Natural Facial Creme Cleanser
* Essential” Radiance™ – Alpha-Hydroxy Exfoliating Natural Facial Creme Cleanser
* Divine Effervescence™ – Jojoba Exfoliating Facial Cleanser
Read about Face Cleansers & Acne Cleansers

100% Pure Essential Oil Synergestic Blends & Perfumes

* Winds of Change
* Earth Angel
* Sweet Dreams
* Sweet Pea
Read about 100% Pure Essential Oil Synergestic Anointing Blends & Perfumes

Personal Aromatherapy Diffusers/Inhalers

* Personal Aromatherapy Diffusers/Inhalers
Read about Personal Aromatherapy Diffusers/Inhalers

Body Cremes & Masques (Face & Body)

* Masques – Face & Body Anti-Oxidant Synergistic Blend
* Iridescent Petal™ Luxurious Cocoa Butter Body Crème
Read about Body Cremes & Masques (Face & Body)

Hydrosols/Toners & Floral Waters

* Helichrysum Hydrosol
* Rose Hydrosol
* Roman Chamomile Hydrosol
* Neroli Hydrosol
Read about Hydrosols/Toners & Floral Waters


* Professional Holistic Aromatherapy Consultation
* Japanese Facial
Read about our Services

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Lorraine Frongillo
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The products being sold and the services being offered by Divine Chalice Botanicals (DCB) are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition or disease. Please seek medical attention if your condition persists. Essential Oils are not a substitute for professional medical care, they work to compliment traditional medical practices. The "Testimonials" on this website do not guarantee the same results. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration). Please keep all DCB products out of reach of children & pets.  If pregnant, please check with your Dr. before using Essential OIls.